目前市面上的产品都是40X以上,但是一般来说,光驱速度大约到了24X其实已足够软件的安装使用了,为什么还要不断地推出更高倍速的产品呢?很多使用者都有这样的疑问。关于这个问题,其实跟硬盘有点类似,如果多出一二百元,硬盘容量可以多出1GB。如何评鉴光驱的优劣过去光驱的评比大多围绕于data speed或是access time,然而这只能反应光驱的某些特性,已不足以作为一台光驱采购的全部参考,尤其抓音轨能力及速度更是评比所缺乏的,但这是制作MP3所不可或缺的功能,有些人拷CD也与此有关。
Currently the products on the market are more than 40X, but in general, CD-ROM speed is about to 24X In fact, enough software to install and use, why continue to introduce higher-speed products? Many users have such questions . On this issue, in fact, a bit similar with the hard drive, if an extra two hundred dollars, hard drive capacity can be more than 1GB. How to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of optical drive Optical drive in the past, most of the ratings around the data speed or access time, however, this can only reflect some of the features of the optical drive has been insufficient as a CD-ROM procurement of all the reference, Speed is lacking in appraisals, but this is an indispensable feature of making MP3s, and some people copy CDs.