中央电视台《夕阳红》栏目与《长寿》杂志社举办“‘祝贺《老年人权益保障法》实施五周年’普法竞赛”活动已圆满结束,现予公布获奖者名单: 一等奖(3名,每人奖德生牌PL757A型和R908型收音机各一台)
The CCTV “Sunset Red” column and “Longevity” magazine held the “Congratulations on the fifth anniversary of the implementation of the Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly.” The “Prussian Contest” has been successfully concluded. The list of winners is now announced: First Prize (3, Each person awards one of Desheng’s PL757A and R908 radios.