Containment control for heterogeneous nonlinear multi-agent systems under distributed event-triggere

来源 :信息与电子工程前沿(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jsjyao
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We study the containment control problem for high-order heterogeneous nonlinear multi-agent systems under distributed event-triggered schemes. To achieve the containment control objective and reduce communication consumption among agents, a distributed event-triggered control scheme is proposed by applying the backstepping method, Lyapunov functional approach, and neural networks. Then, the results are extended to the self-triggered control case to avoid continuous monitoring of state errors. The developed protocols and triggered rules ensure that the output for each follower converges to the convex hull spanned by multi-leader signals within a bounded error. In addition, no agent exhibits Zeno behavior. Two numerical simulations are finally presented to verify the correctness of the obtained results.
This study deals with constant-gain adaptive observers for nonlinear systems, for which relatively few solutions are available for some particular cases. We int
In this study, we extend traditional (single-target) hybrid systems to multi-target hybrid systems with a focus on the multi-maneuvering-target tracking system.
“天啊!我又胖了!”看到体重机上那无情的数字,我后悔极了,都怪自己一天到晚只知道吃了就睡,睡了又吃,整个就是小猪的生活方式,懒惰至极。这不,遭到了晴天霹雳。不行,我不能这样下去了,否则后果不堪设想。对,减肥,我要减肥!  经过一番绞尽脑汁的思考。我终于制订了世界上最完美的减肥计划。哈哈,等我有了苗条身材,绝不亚于西施(自我陶醉中)……从今天开始,我就要开始我的魔鬼训练,为了美。加油!  清脆的鸡鸣