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笔者在实践中发现,在环境监测站科技档案立卷中,有几个程序往往容易被立卷者所忽视,从而影响案卷质量和档案利用,应引起立卷者的注意.一、对于不装订的案卷忽视加盖档号章.《环境保护档案管理规范》规定,不装订的案卷,应在卷内每份文件的右上方加盖档号章,但实际操作中却易疏忽这个小程序.对于不装订的案卷,文件材料上的档号章起到了该文件材料在档案柜架上对号入座的作用.文件材料上有了档号章,借出归还时档案室就可以迅速正确归位.对于移交给档案馆,不装订案卷加盖档号章显得更为重要.随着不装订的科技档案案卷数量增加,在这些文件材料上加盖档号章的必要性将会越来越明显. In practice, the author found that in the environmental monitoring station, there are several programs that are often overlooked by the individual who have collected the documents and thus affect the quality of the files and the utilization of the files, which should attract the attention of the users. Of the case file is ignored. “Environmental Protection Archives Management Practices,” provides that the binding of the file should be in the volume of the top right of each document stamped with the file number chapter, but the actual operation is easy to overlook this small program. For non-binding case files, the file number on the file serves as a check-in for the file on the file cabinet with the file number on the file, which can be quickly and correctly placed when the file is returned. It is even more important to hand over archives to the archives without stamping them with the reference number, and the need to stamp the stamps on these documents will become more apparent as the number of unstoppable tech archives increases.
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