(一) 1932年12月的一天,上海新闻界人士冒着寒风,来到一个宽敞的客厅里。宋庆龄代表中国民权保障同盟对新闻界人士发表了讲话。她说: “新闻界同人和民权保障同盟的盟员们应该并肩站在一起,共负促进人类社会进步的使命。因此,在这共同事业中,我们要形成一个统一战线,并且要忠诚地合作,这是理所当然的。“我认为一个坚强而勇敢的新闻界可以做很多的工作,来在舆论方面兴起一个有利于自由和正义的潮流。”
(A) December 1932, one day, Shanghai press who braved the cold, came to a spacious living room. Soong Ching Ling, on behalf of China’s Civil Rights and Security Alliance, made a speech on the press. She said: “In the joint undertaking, we must form a united front and work together loyally,” said the press members of the press and allies of the coalition of civil rights and security all standing shoulder to shoulder and shouldering the task of promoting the progress of human society. , Which is taken for granted. “I think a strong and courageous press can do a great deal of work to bring about a trend conducive to freedom and justice in the media. ”