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1993年,湛江市各级领导及有关部门密切配合、解放思想、更新观念,围绕市委提出的大港口、大工业、大市场、大发展“的战略目标,努力改善投资环境,加强做好利用外资工作,全市利用外资出现新高潮,成绩显著。据统计:全市新签三资企业合同689宗,合同利用外资金额达19.37亿美元,比去年同期增长3倍多,实际利用外资1.81亿美元,分别比92年同期增长1.5倍、3倍1.75倍。1993年该市三资企业发展呈现以下特点:一、外商投资企业项目规模增大,合作年限延长。500万美元以上的项目共137宗,其中1000万美元以上的70宗(92年只有4宗)。由于大项目增多,平均每宗合同外商出资额由1992年的119万美元上升到281万美元,增加162万美元。随着合同规模的增大,三资企业合作年限延长,1992年签约的合同大部分在30年以下;达30年以上的只有4宗,而93年有28宗,其中50年以上的有6宗(1992年为零),这充分显示了外商对该市投资的信心增强。 In 1993, Zhanjiang City leaders at all levels and related departments worked closely to emancipate their minds, update their concepts and strive to improve their investment environment and enhance their utilization based on the strategic objective of ”big port, big industry, big market and great development" put forward by the municipal party committee According to statistics, the number of newly signed foreign-funded enterprises in the city was 689, with the amount of foreign capital used by the contract reaching 1.937 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of more than three times as much as that of the same period of last year. The foreign capital actually utilized was 181 million U.S. dollars, Respectively, an increase of 1.5 times and 1.75 times respectively over the same period of 1992. The development of foreign-funded enterprises in the city in 1993 showed the following features: First, the scale of foreign-invested enterprises increased and the cooperation period was extended, 137 projects totaling more than 5 million U.S. dollars, Of which 70 were over US $ 10 million (only 4 in 1992). As a result of large projects, the average amount of foreign investment per contract increased from US $ 1.19 million in 1992 to US $ 2.81 million, an increase of US $ 1.62 million. As the contract size The number of contracts signed in 1992 was mostly below 30 years; in the past 30 years or more, only 4 cases were found, while in 1993 there were 28 cases, of which 6 were over 50 years (1992 Is zero), this Minutes show the confidence of the city’s foreign investment increased.
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On August 31 at the“Sino-Russian Trade”news conference, Sun Yongfu,Director-General of the Department of European Affairs at the PRC Ministry of Commerce,anno
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