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策划人语经济发展要讲科学,要尊重客观规律,不能片面追求速度,不能用劳动者的生命和健康去换取……这种声音由弱到强、由小到大,从小作坊响起,从小煤窑响起,一直响到人民大会堂。今天,这种声音已经成为时代的最强音——以人为本,安全发展,构建和谐社会——这是执政党对她所属于的劳动者群体的呼声的积极回应。但是,任何社会问题的解决,光靠喊口号是难以奏效的。平心静气地,以科学的态度从根儿上去查找原因,并将所有相关因素分门别类地列举出来,有主有从、有重点地加以解决才是上策。去年12月21日,国务院常务会议专题研究当前的安全工作,最后决定从12个问题入手,抓紧进行。这12个问题就是近年来安全形势严峻的重要致因的集中反映。而中国幅员辽阔,经济发展不均衡,这些问题在各地的表现也千差万别。同一个问题,在此地或许早已化解,在彼地可能异常突出。正是这种彼此不同,才不乏解决问题的真知灼见和典型经验;才使一些地方和企业或正欲突破,或早已有所创造。所以,掌握第一手资料,了解基层诉求,尊重群众的独创性,为有关部门提供有价值的参考素材,既是解决问题的当务之急,又是落实国务院决定的重要举措。作为职业安全专业期刊,我们理应发挥媒体作用,为此做点实事。因此,我们以这12个问题为线索,在有关部委、各地政府、工会、安监部门、科研机构、企业的支持和配合下,独家策划了“一月一题,一题一地”的系列调研活动。天津,是这一活动的第一站。 To plan the economic development of human languages ​​should talk about science, we must respect the objective laws, we can not pursue the speed one-sidedly, and we can not use the workers’ lives and health to get the sound from weak to strong, from small to large, Sounded, has been ringing the Great Hall of the People. Today, this voice has become the strongest voice of the times - people-oriented, safe development and building a harmonious society - a positive response from the ruling party to the group of workers to which she belongs. However, solving any social problem can not be achieved by shouting slogans. Calmly, with a scientific attitude from the root to find out the reasons, and all relevant factors listed separately, with the main fact, focused solution is the best policy. Last December 21, State Council executive meeting on the current study of security work, the final decision from the 12 questions to step up. These 12 issues are the concentrated reflection of the important causes of the serious security situation in recent years. However, with its vast territory and unbalanced economic development, the performance of these problems varies widely from place to place. The same problem, perhaps here already resolved, may be unusually prominent in the other. It is this different from each other that there is no lack of insight and typical experience in problem solving; only some places and enterprises are either trying to make breakthroughs or have already created them. Therefore, grasping first-hand information, understanding grass-roots demands, respecting people’s originality and providing valuable reference materials for relevant departments are both top priorities for solving problems and important measures for implementing the decision of the State Council. As a professional safety professional journal, we should play a media role, to do something practical. Therefore, on the basis of these 12 questions, with the support and cooperation of relevant ministries and commissions, local governments, trade unions, safety supervision departments, scientific research institutions and enterprises, we have exclusively planned the series of "January, Research activities. Tianjin, is the first stop of this activity.
2013年5月,云南昆明近3 000名市民聚集在市中心南屏广场,抵制PX炼油项目在当地落户,而现场聚集活动的照片也通过微博在网络传播。继厦门、大连、宁波相继发生因PX项目引发的群体性事件后,网民百姓已是谈"PX"色变,正是在群众的恐惧和抵触情绪下,昆明市再次出现抵制PX落户事件。由此可见,有关部门充分做好舆情预判,采取有效措施防范和化解舆情危机在当前网络环境下是何等重要。
今年1月,全球知名科技企业、原料供应商建明工业(Kemin Industries,以下简称建明)新成立的业务板块 ——建明水产科技(Kemin AquaScienceTM)正式对外亮相.与此同时,业务板块