【目的】了解天山北坡垂直自然带土壤古菌多样性、优势种群及影响其分布的主要因素。【方法】利用末端限制性片段长度多态性(Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism,T-RFLP),对天山北坡垂直自然带(山地荒漠带(H1),山地草原带(H2),山地森林带(H3),亚高山草甸带(H4),高山草甸带(H5),冰雪带(H6))土壤古菌多样性及主要影响因素进行研究。【结果】古菌多样性指数在山地森林带最低,高山草甸带和冰雪带最高;聚类分析表明,山地荒漠带、亚高山草甸带、高山草甸带和冰雪带聚为一类,山地草原带和山地森林带聚为一类;典范对应分析(CCA)表明:香侬指数(Shannon index,H)和均匀度指数(Evenness,E)均与C/N,土壤湿度及海拔成正相关,与pH,土壤温度成负相关;T-RFs与pH,全氮,有效磷成正相关。【结论】天山北坡垂直自然带土壤古菌多样性丰富度较低,土壤pH、湿度、全氮及植被类型可能是影响其多样性的关键因素。
【Objective】 The purpose of this study was to understand the diversity of archaea, the dominant species and the main factors influencing the distribution of archaea in the vertical natural zone on the northern slope of Tianshan Mountains. [Method] terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism, T-RFLP), on the vertical natural Northslope belt (mountain desert (H1), mountain steppe (H2), montane forest belt ( H3), subalpine meadow zone (H4), alpine meadow zone (H5), ice belt (H6)) were studied. 【Result】 The results showed that the archaeal diversity index was the lowest in the mountain forest zone, the highest in the alpine meadow zone and the ice zone, and the cluster analysis showed that the desert zone, the subalpine meadow zone, the alpine meadow zone and the ice zone were clustered together. mountain steppe and montane belt into one group; canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed: Shannon index (Shannon index, H) and uniformity index (evenness, E) were positively correlated with C / N, soil moisture and altitude to , Negatively correlated with pH and soil temperature. T-RFs was positively correlated with pH, total nitrogen and available phosphorus. 【Conclusion】 The diversity of soil archaea in vertical natural zone on the northern slope of Tianshan Mountains is relatively low. Soil pH, humidity, total nitrogen and vegetation types may be the key factors affecting their diversity.