“有的人死了,他还活着。”著名诗人臧克家曾这样说。有一位共产党员、基层人民法庭的法官,在川西有名的穷山区里,工作生活了20多年,最后,长眠在那儿了。他不是当地人,当地六个乡的上千名群众,却不远几十里,自发地赶来为他送行…… 仲春时节,本刊记者来到他生前工作生活的地方,踏着他的足迹采访。在街头巷尾,在田间地头,在群众家中,在烈士陵园,无论是白天还是晚间,多少人一谈起他,总是一片怀念、一往情深…… 最高人民法院追授他为全国法院模范,号召全国法院干警学习他的精神;中共乐山市委号召全市人民结合学雷锋学习他的事迹,最高人民法院院长任建新和政治局委员、四川省委书记杨汝岱欣然命笔,为他题词……
“Some people are dead, he is still alive.” Zang Kejia, a famous poet once said. A member of the Communist Party and a judge of the grassroots people’s tribunal, working and living in the poor mountainous area of western Sichuan, lives and works for more than 20 years. Finally, he sleeps there. He is not the locals, thousands of local people in six townships, but not far from a dozen miles, spontaneously came to him off ... ... In mid-spring season, correspondents came to his place of work and life, marching his Footprint interview. In the streets, in the fields, in mass homes, in the martyrs cemetery, whether day or night, how many people talk about him, always a miss, dedication ... ... Supreme Court chaired him as a national court model, called for national courts Police officers learn his spirit; the CPC Leshan Municipal Committee called on the people of the city to learn from Leifeng learn from his deeds, the Supreme People’s Court Dean Ren Jianxin and members of the Politburo, Sichuan Provincial Party Secretary Yang Rudai gladly ordered a pen for his inscription ......