数学思维能力培养系列谈③ 正向思维与逆向思维

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一、正向思维与逆向思维正向思维是指按常规习惯去分析问题,按常规进程进行思考、推测,按照从已知到未知的逻辑顺序来揭示问题本质的思维方法。逆向思维是相对正向思维而言的,是指背逆人们的习惯思考路线的思维。听过“1美元”的故事吗?一天,犹太富翁哈德走进纽约花旗银行的贷款部。看到这位气度非凡的绅士,贷款部的经理不敢怠慢,赶紧招呼:“先生,您有什么事情需要我帮 First, the positive thinking and reverse thinking Forward thinking refers to the usual habits to analyze the problem, according to the conventional process of thinking, speculation, in accordance with the known from unknown to the logical order to reveal the essence of the problem of thinking. Reverse thinking is relatively positive thinking is concerned, refers to the people’s habits of thinking back to thinking. Have you heard of the story of ”one dollar?“ One day, Jewish rich man Hade walked into the loan department of Citibank in New York. See this extraordinary gentleman, loan manager not neglect, and quickly say: ”Sir, what do you need me to help
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2000年《现代技能开发》杂志优秀通讯员名单 2000 “Modern Skills Development” magazine outstanding correspondent list
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