
来源 :中学数学教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haschie
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数学教学过程是学生在教师的引导下进行的积极的思维活动过程,数学教学具有数学活动性特征,数学教学过程中的活动既有外部的具体行为操作,又有内部的抽象思维操作,是学生由表及里的活动,并且以内部的积极思维为主要形式,因此,思维活动理应成为课堂的“主角”.高三复习课例“抽象函数”始终以思维活动为着重点,教给学生思维方法,优化学生思维品质,一切按“训练学生思维”这条主线展开,读来让人受益匪浅.1 创新设计,促进学生优化思维高三数学复习的基本目标是“夯实双基,强化联系,提升思维能力,渗透思想方法”.因此高三复习不是对高一、高二所学知识的简单重复,而应站在更高的角度,重新审视旧知识,对旧知识产生新的认识和理解.要将以往所学的零碎的、散乱的知 The process of mathematics teaching is a positive thinking process of students under the guidance of teachers. Mathematics teaching has the characteristics of mathematical activities. The activities in the process of mathematics teaching have both external concrete behavior operations and internal abstract thinking operations. Therefore, the thinking activity should become the “protagonist” in the classroom. “Senior High School Review Lesson ” Abstract Function “has always focused on thinking activities, teaching To students thinking methods to optimize the thinking quality of students, all according to ”training students thinking “ This line started, people benefit .1 innovative design, and promote students to optimize thinking The basic goal of mathematics review is Double base, strengthen contact, improve thinking ability, infiltrative thinking method. ”Therefore, senior high school review is not a simple repetition of the knowledge of sophomore, sophomore, but should stand at a higher angle, re-examine the old knowledge, the old knowledge New knowledge and understanding, to learn from the fragmented, scattered knowledge
本文报道采用新城鸡瘟病毒诱生人脾细胞产生IFN。对其影响因素进行了初步探索,并进行了分离纯化。 This article reports the use of Newcastle disease virus induced huma
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她们有良好的社会地位、不菲的收入、姣好的容貌,但却找不到自己理想的男友 They have a good social status, high income, good looks, but can not find their ideal boy
卷首语  努力提高领导科学发展能力 /本刊评论员 1.1  不断提高领导干部驾驭新媒体的能力 /本刊特约评论员 2.1  领导干部勤读善学贵在“三个坚持” /本刊评论员 3.1  必须切实加强领导人才队伍建设 /本刊特约评论员 4.1  贯彻落实《规划纲要》 科学编制发展规划 /本刊评论员 5.1  领导干部要常怀敬畏之心/本刊特约评论员 6.1  书记校长论坛  创新发展理念不断提高高校领导班子
随心所欲说英语 由金洪恩公司开发的又一新作《随心所欲说英语》是一款定位在口语训练的英语教学软件。《随心所欲说英语》最大的特点就是利用先进的全程语音识别功能,对学
虽然 Mazier 等用人体肝细胞在体外已初步成功地培养了间日疟原虫红外期裂殖体,但未观察到裂殖子或休眠子。本文作者利用人体肝癌细胞(HePG2-A16)体外培养间日疟原虫红外期