麦克阿瑟将军的性格注定了他最 终将是一个悲剧人物。正像尼克松所指出的,在他身上体现了“传奇人物的一切矛盾和对比”。但是,所有这些矛盾和对比并非半斤八两,而是一个为表,一个为里。他骨子里是一个唯我独尊的人,至于该如何表现则因时而异。 麦克阿瑟先后共与3位总统打过交道,即胡佛、罗斯福、杜鲁门。除了与胡佛还算关系凑合之外,其他2位均
General MacArthur’s character didomed him to be a tragedy in the end. As Nixon pointed out, he embodied “all the contradictions and contrasts of legends.” However, all these contradictions and contrasts are not half dozen, but one as a table and one as a reality. He is the only person in his bones, as to how to behave from time to time. MacArthur has dealt with a total of three presidents, namely Hoover, Roosevelt, Truman. In addition to make arrangements with Hoover improvise, the other two are