2004年元月7日,星期三,阴,今天是春运繁忙的第一天。 “众将士,各就各位把好春运源头关,不得有误……”大队长饶道祥身穿战袍高坐厅堂,众民警仿若庭席上的将领,随声附和领旨出战……六点三十分,还沉浸在睡梦中的我被闹钟吵醒,为自己的南柯一梦忍俊不禁。不过,今天是春运的首日,应该早起为春运开个好头。此时,尚未褪去的雾霭仍笼罩着邵武大地,已被雾水打湿的瓦片在阴冷的空气里
January 7, 2004, Wednesday, Yin, today is the first day of a busy spring festival. “All officers and men, you will be the source of good spring transport, must not be mistaken ... ...” Captain Rao Dao Xiang wearing a shirt high sitting hall, the public security police as if the generals on the bench, echoed collar collar play ... ... six thirty, Immersed in my sleep I was awakened by the alarm clock, Nanke a dream forbearing can not help but. However, today is the first day of the Spring Festival, it should be a good start for the Spring Festival get up early. At this time, the fog has not yet faded Shaowu still enveloped the earth, the tile has been wet fog in the cold air