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6月29日,长安大学副校长赵祥模一行莅临中航电测仪器股份有限公司西安中心园区交流指导工作,公司董事长康学军、总经理刘东平、副总经理张志刚、周豫等陪同参观并座谈。长安大学副校长赵祥模一行先后参观了中航电测展厅、军品事业部生产现场、精密机电事业部生产现场。通过对展厅的参观,他们对中航电测的发展历程、组织架构、主要产品、企业文化等内容有了初步了解。通过参观生产现场,了解 On June 29, Zhao Xiangmo, vice chancellor of Chang’an University and his entourage visited and instructed the Xi’an Central Park of AVIC Instruments Co., Ltd. The chairman of the company Kang Dongjun, general manager Liu Dongping, deputy general manager Zhang Zhigang and Zhou Yu visited and discussed with them. Chancellor Zhao Xiangmo, Vice Chancellor of Chang’an University and his entourage visited the production site of China National Aviation Electrical Measurement Exhibition Hall, Military Products Division and Precision Machinery Division. Through the visit to the exhibition hall, they have a preliminary understanding of the development history, organizational structure, major products, corporate culture and other contents of AVIC. By visiting the production site, understand