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●以不变汇率计,销售额为29亿美元,实现增长11%●拉丁美洲强劲的季节开局●保持全年销售目标●预期之外的美国玉米种子生产产量:2013年存货跌价以不变汇率计,2013年第三季度销售额增长11%。由于一些新兴市场货币汇率影响,第三季度报告销售额增长8%。2013年度前9个月的销售额达到113亿美元,增长5%(以不变汇率计)。基础的整合销售额实现8%增长。第三季度各区域整合销售情况在拉丁美洲,强劲的季节开端带动销售额实现17%的增长(以不变汇率计)。巴西是主要推动力,在这个强劲的市场里,大豆种子产品线表现优异:稳健的大宗商品价格和Real ● At constant exchange rates, sales of 2.9 billion US dollars, an increase of 11% ● Latin America’s strong season start ● Maintain the full-year sales target ● Expected output of corn seed production in the United States: 2013 decline in value of inventories at constant exchange rates In the third quarter of 2013, sales increased 11%. Third-quarter reported sales rose 8% due to some emerging market currencies. For the first nine months of 2013, sales reached US $ 11.3 billion, an increase of 5% (at constant exchange rates). The basis of integrated sales achieved 8% growth. Consolidated sales by region for the third quarter In Latin America, the strong season led to a 17% increase in sales (at constant exchange rates). Brazil is the main force behind which the soybean seed product line performs exceptionally well in this strong market: solid commodity prices and Real
凡是读过《中国文学史》或《宋元明清文学作品选》的人,都知道北宋词家秦观[踏莎行]《郴州旅舍》这一千古传诵的名篇,此词的全阕是: Those who have read the “history of