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不是擦肩而过,而是狭路相逢。一场乍暖还寒的春雨中,男孩米夏遭遇了他的初恋。滂沱的雨,米夏被突如其来的呕吐折磨得抬不起头,潮湿、虚弱的当口,邂逅了行色匆匆的汉娜。她本已经过他身旁,却又折回来提供帮助。 Not pass by, but the narrow road meet. In a spring rain, the boy Misha encountered his first love. The torrential rain, Misha was suddenly vomited tortured to lift the head, damp, frail when the encounter hasty Hannah. She had already been by his side, but folded back to provide help.