
来源 :山西老年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bluelee530
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编辑同志:我是一名小学校长,小浩是我校六年级学生。一周前,小浩在上学途中,因当街踢足球,不慎将一名老人击倒并导致严重受伤。由于小浩父母无力垫付巨额医疗费用,而学校拒绝承担责任,老人的三名子女以学校平时未对学生尽到教育管理职责为由,迁怒于学校,于近日两次来到学校闹事,包括阻止学生进校,使得教学因严重受阻而无法正常进行;打砸教学设备和焚烧教材、课桌椅、窗帘,造成损失12000 Editor’s Comrade: I am a primary school principal, Xiao Hao is my sixth grade students. A week ago, Xiao Hao, on his way to school, kicked a soccer ball in the street and accidentally knocked down an old man and caused serious injuries. Due to the inability of Xiao Hao’s parents to pay huge medical bills and the school to refuse to take responsibility, the three children of the elderly were angry at the school on the grounds that the school did not usually perform the educational management duties to the students. They came to schools twice in a row recently, Students into school, making teaching due to serious obstruction and can not be normal; smash teaching equipment and incineration materials, desks and chairs, curtains, resulting in loss of 12000
Recently, reform on charges against dangerous driving has stirred up debate among the public. A new stipulation by China’s Supreme People’s court which took effect on May 1 granted judges the discreti
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Recently, a mobile cardiac outpatient telemetry(MCOT) system has become available that monitors the electrocardiogram continuously, recognizes arrhythmias autom
Objective: To examine the association between prevalent cerebral abnormalitie s identified on MRI and cognitive functioning in a predominantly middle- aged, pop