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在明代的士大夫中,既有恪守儒家行为准则的道德实践者,又有言不由衷、言行不一的假道学,甚至不乏不顾廉耻者。从“士志”、“士气”、“士品”三个方面及其演变大势来看,明代士大夫的精神世界一方面呈现出多样化的色彩,另一方面却又有其内在的演变理路。概言之,明代近三百年士气,大体上受到了三次挫辱:一辱于靖难之役,再挫于大礼之议,三辱于逆党擅权。以嘉靖前后为界,明代士风、士气出现了三大转向:从清廉向黩货的转变,进而导致“士节卑污”;从精勤向怠惰的转变,进而形成一种安于豢养、逸乐之俗;从奔竞而可鄙向矫激而立名的转变,进而形成一种激扬名声之风。随之而来者,则是士风衰微及士大夫门风的堕落,而这又与世风浅薄桴鼓相应。 Among Ming scholars, there are not only moral practitioners who abide by the Confucian code of conduct, but also unreasonable discourse and pseudo-Taoist practices, even without regard to shame. From the three aspects of “Shushi”, “morale” and “Shi Pin” and the general trend of its development, the spiritual world of the literati in the Ming dynasty showed diversified colors while on the other hand Its internal evolutionary path. To summarize, the morale of the past three hundred years in the Ming dynasty has generally met with three humiliations: a dishonor in the battle of Jing, another setback to the proposal of a gift, and three insults on the right of the opposing party. Taking Jiajing’s front and back as the boundary, there were three major changes in style and morale in the Ming Dynasty: the shift from fair and honest to stocking, which in turn led to the “factional humiliation”; the shift from sophistication to laziness, Yoshitaka vulgar; from Benjamin and despise strangulation and change of name, and thus form a kind of boost the reputation of the wind. Followed by the decline of the style of scholarship and the fall of the doctor’s wind, which in turn corresponds to the superficiality of the world.
60年代以前 ,急性心肌梗死 (AMI)主要以卧床休息、镇静止痛、吸氧和加强管理等消极治疗为主 ,住院死亡率高达 2 0 %~ 30 %。 60年代以后 ,AMI治疗主要是针对原发性室颤等并发症的防
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目的 :探讨血清肌酸激酶 MM同工酶 ( CK— MM)亚型 MM3/ MM1 比值诊断急性心肌梗塞 ( Acute  Myocardial  Infarction,AMI)的参比值。方法 :应用琼脂凝胶电泳法测定了 60例