恩格斯,H.(Hubert Engels,1854-1945年),生于德国鲁尔,德国水力学和治河工程专家。1872年毕业于鲁尔的高等技术学校,1882年任普鲁士政府技术顾问,1887年任不伦瑞克卡洛·威廉明工科大学水力学教授,1890年任德累斯顿工科大学水力学教授。恩格斯是水利大家,同时,对于中国人民来说,也是一位熟悉的国际友人。他曾经受美国费礼门工程师的委
Engels, H. (Hubert Engels, 1854-1945), Born in Ruhr, Germany, a specialist in hydraulics and river engineering in Germany. In 1872 graduated from Ruhr’s higher technical schools, in 1882 as Prussian government technical adviser, in 1887 as Brunei Carlo William Liming University hydraulic professor, 1890 Ren Dresden University of Technology professor of hydraulics. Engels is a water conservancy, meanwhile, to the Chinese people, it is also a familiar international friend. He has been subjected to Fellowship Engineer’s committee in the United States