Effect of Rongchang capsule(茸菖胶囊)on seizure behavior,cogni-tive impairment,and hippocampal DNA damag

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OBJECTIVE:To observe the behavioral changes and changes in DNA fragments and related inflam-matory factors in the hippocampus of epileptic rats pretreated with Rongchang capsule(茸菖胶囊).METHODS:Eighty Sprague-Dawley rats were ran-domly divided into the normal group(NG),model group(MG),sodium valproate group(VG),and Rongchang capsule group(RG)(n = 20 in each group).Pentylentetrazol was administered to the MG,VG,and RG to induce epilepsy.The VG and RG were pretreated with 1/2 the therapeutic dose of sodium valproate and Rongchang capsule,respec-tively.Changes in convulsion behavior and water maze learning were observed.Single cell gel elec-trophoresis was used to detect changes in the DNA in the hippocampus.The tail length(TL)and Olive tail moment(OTM)of cells were analyzed by GASP software.The expression of interleukin-1 β(IL-1β),high mobility group box 1(HMGB1),transforming growth factor-β(TGF-β),and CCL4 in the hippocam-pus was determined by Western blotting.RESULTS:Rongchang capsule had a weaker effect on convulsive latency than sodium valproate,but significantly reduced seizure susceptibility.The spa-tial learning ability of the RG was better than that of the VG(P<≤0.01).The TL and OTM were signifi-cantly higher in the MG than the NG(P<0.01).The RG had a better TL and OTM than the VG(P<0.01).Combined with the microscopy results,DNA dam-age was most pronounced in the MG.Drug inter-vention decreased the DNA damage in the VG and RG.The expressions of IL-1β,CCL4,and HMGB1 in the hippocampus were significantly greater in the MG than the NG(P<0.01),and were significantly re-duced in the RG and VG compared with the MG(P<0.01);however,there was no intergroup differ-ence in the expression of TGF-β.The average values for the expression of inflammatory factors in the hippocampus were higher in the RG than in the VG;thus,Rongchang capsule may have a weaker effect on reducing the expression of inflammatory factors in the hippocampus than sodium valproate.CONCLUSION:Pretreatment with Rongchang cap-sule prevents or delays cognitive impairment in rats with induced epilepsy,reduces hippocampal DNA damage,and decreases the hippocampal ex-pressions of IL-1β,CCL4,and HMGB1.
摘要:在30亩稻田进行黄沙鳖+鲫鱼生态养殖试验,放养2100只规格为0.3 kg/只的黄沙鳖,6000尾10~11朝鲫鱼苗,以期为稻田生态综合种养提供一种新模式。试验结果:收获黄沙鳖2127.5 kg、鲫鱼2712 kg,纯收入17.77万元,经济效益显著。  关键词:稻田;黄沙鳖;鲫鱼;养殖  中图分类号:S964.2 S966.5 文献标识码:B  文章编号:1006-3188(2021
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摘要::2020年5月初~2020年10月底在江西进贤进行“稻田-攀鲈”生态养殖试验,4亩试验田共计产出攀鲈280公斤,合70公斤/亩;水稻1880公斤,合470公斤/亩;总净收益2360元,合590元/亩。经济生态综合评价表明“稻田-攀鲈”综合生态种养模式具有良好发展前景并值得推广。  关键词:攀鲈;稻鱼综合种养;生态养殖  中图分类号:S965.124 文献标识码:B  文章编号:100