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我认为,当今舆论监督中划分“新闻失实报道”与“新闻属实报道”的法律界限,尤应以近年我国司法部门的有关条款为基本依据。具体讲,主要应按1993年6月15日最高人民法院《关于审理名誉权案件若干问题的解答》和1998年8月31日最高人民法院发布的《关于审理名誉权案件若干问题的解 In my opinion, the legal boundaries separating the “news false reports” and the “news reports” in today’s media supervision should be based on the relevant provisions of the judiciary in our country in recent years. Specifically speaking, the resolution of the Supreme People’s Court on Several Issues concerning the Trial of Honorary Right Cases and the Resolution on Several Issues concerning the Trial of Honorary Right Cases issued by the Supreme People’s Court on August 31, 1998
September 12,2001 we propose a fully conservative front tracking algorithm in two space dimension. This algorithm first uses the point shifted algorithm on two
·方针·政策·国防科技工业 2 0 0 1年质量工作要点( 2 -3 )……………………………………国防科工委科技与质量司高志强司长在 航空行业 5个专业标技委成立大会上 的讲话
Numerical simulation of combustion waves need a very refined grid in order to resolve thin reaction zones. We give a criterion for capturing these waves corre
在生命中奔跑,在奔跑中获得生命!——题记西方那吊在半空中的太阳渐渐沉下、沉下。那万丈的光辉染红了半边天际。身影被夕阳印在了柏油路上。我抬头,望着赤阳,心 Run in lif
The incompressible Navier Stokes equations are solved via variables of vorticity and velocity. Firstly, a rigorous variational framework with the equivalence b
A finite element solution for the Navier_Stokes equations for steady flow through a double branched two dimensional section of three dimensional model of canine
据俄罗斯《生意人报》报道, 2000年 10月 13日莫斯科时间 18点 13分,在拜科努尔航天发射场,一枚“质子- K”号火箭将 3颗俄罗斯“飓风”型全球导航定位卫星送入了预定轨道。   
去年春节,一个“发小”突然远道而来。算起来我们已经50多年没见了,作为同龄人,小时候我们一同上学放学,儿时友谊加上父辈又是战友,关系自然非—般人可比。上中学那年,他们一家迁到了外地,联系慢慢减少,到后来就完全失去了消息,我脑海中也渐渐淡忘了还有这么一个儿时玩伴。没想到50多年后,他竟然辗转找到了我。  那天我们一边叙旧一边喝酒。他端起酒杯说,这次他专程回故乡看看,主要是想见见我这个老朋友。话题自然