近年来,玉米纹枯病,已在桐梓县玉米产区普遍发生。受害重者,大部分植株提前萎蔫枯死,轻者生长衰弱,籽粒变轻,严重影响产量。79~81年我们对此病进行观察和防治。 一、症状 玉米纹枯病在玉米各生育阶段都可发病,一般先在近地面3~5叶开始,逐步向其他叶片、叶鞘、果穗蔓延。发病初期,叶片尖端、边缘和主脉两侧的叶肉,有零星分散的淡黄色水渍状椭圆形病斑,逐渐扩大,
In recent years, corn sheath blight has been common in Tongzi County corn producing areas. Mostly affected plants wilted and wilted ahead of schedule. The light ones grew weak and the seeds became lighter, which seriously affected the yield. 79 to 81 years we observe and prevent the disease. First, the symptoms of corn sheath blight disease can occur in all stages of maize, generally first in the ground near the 3 to 5 leaves, and gradually to other leaves, leaf sheaths, ear spikes. Early onset, leaf tip, edge and the main veins on both sides of the leaves, sporadic scattered light yellow water-like oval lesions, and gradually expanded,