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  而一大批东南亚本土品牌在通过Lazada的“Sell to China”计划,登陆天猫国际进入中国市场后,也迎来了销售额的强势增长。数据显示,菲律宾的美容品牌Sunnies Face在天猫国际登场首3个月便崛起成为唇彩品类三大新品牌之一,2020年“双十一”购物节期间,其销售额同比增长近5倍;印尼护发品牌Ellips,以及首次参加天猫国际“双十一”活动的新加坡网红咸蛋黄薯片品牌Irvins,在11月11日当天的销售额甚至超过平时的50余倍。
  Themed with “New Opportunities of E-commerce Energize New Development Pattern of Dual Circulation”, the 2020 China-ASEAN Silk Road E-commerce Forum under the framework of the 17th CAEXPO was successfully held in Nanning, Guangxi on November 28, 2020. Under the COVID-19 pandemic, new forms of E-commerce have helped enterprises as well as the whole industrial chain recover, which signifies the extraordinary strength and resilience of new forms of E-commerce.   As China opens wider to the outside world and unceasingly deepens the Belt and Road construction, cross-border E-commerce as a new international trade pattern is injecting more powerful momentum for global trade development. It is of significance in such a special year to invite state leaders, seniors officials, experts, scholars and elites from China and ASEAN countries in the field of E-commerce to discuss the new development pattern of dual circulation in domestic and international trade.
  The new trend of cross-border E-commerce in China-ASEAN region
  Since 2020 marks the China-ASEAN Year of Digital Economy Cooperation, as well as the 10th anniversary of the completion of the CAFTA, China and ASEAN will make full use of the physical+on-line CAEXPO, and RCEP, to help pool resources in terms of operation, logistics, finance and talents for cross-border E-commerce platforms, form a new development pattern of dual circulation in domestic and international trade and with the domestic circulation as the core.
  Cross-border E-commerce is becoming a new engine for driving China-ASEAN trade. In recent years, Alibaba, JD.com and other Chinese mainstream E-commerce companies have increased their investment in ASEAN E-commerce, payment and other enterprises through acquisition and shareholding, so as to drive the development of relevant industries in ASEAN countries and promote innovation on multilateral cross-border E-commerce.
  Facing the challenges brought by the COVID-19, it is the right time for ASEAN countries to strengthen E-commerce cooperation with China via online trade, and to help more products enter the Chinese market.
  Statistics showed that the global online retail sales from January to October 2020 reached RMB 9.13 trillion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 10.9%. Zhu Lian, Director of Department of Electronic Commerce and Information Technology of China’s Ministry of Commerce said China has established the bilateral cooperation mechanism of “Silk Road E-commerce” with 22 countries in five continents, including Vietnam and Cambodia, and carried out multilateral dialogue between government and enterprises, and enterprise exchange activities under the framework. Many specialty products such as Thailand’s coconut, Malaysia’s Musang King durian, and Myanmar’s mango are directly accessible to Chinese consumers through cross-border E-commerce platforms.
  Lazada helps the dual circulation of E-commerce trade   Lazada, one of the largest online shopping websites in Southeast Asia, has been actively building a super engine of China-ASEAN import and export in recent years. On the one hand, it helps domestic merchants “go out”, on the other hand, it helps Southeast Asian brands “bring in”, and contributes to the sustainable development of regional digital economic cooperation. In June 2020, Lazada’s first Cross-Border E-commerce Innovation Service Center was officially launched in Nanning. So far, the center has incubated more than 400 small and medium-sized cross-border sellers and provided professional live streaming services for more than 6,000 merchant stores. Through the center, Lazada has built a relatively complete cross-border E-commerce industry chain between China and ASEAN.
  Lazada, a local E-commerce company in Southeast Asia, is upgrading its capabilities for import and export, according to Yi Qian, general manager of cross-border business. Over the past few years, more than 4,000 domestic brands have entered the ASEAN market, while more and more Southeast Asian brands have entered China through Lazada. In Malaysia, the electronic customs system of “second-level clearance” has saved about 30 million hours of customs clearance time for small enterprises in just half a year.
  Lazada has gained sufficient support in the process of promoting Chinese domestic brands to go abroad: It jointly launched the “New Plan for Chinese Goods to Go Abroad” with Tmall to create a fast track from TMall to LazMall. The entry speed of domestic brands into Lazada brand mall has been shortened from one month to one week. Domestic brands such as Phoenix, Konka, Xtep, Romas and Perfect Diary have settled successively. Just in the past “Double 11” festival, Phoenix bicycle enjoyed booming trade in the Southeast Asian market, and the turnover reached 20 times the usual level. The average daily trade growth rate of Konka is ten times; Perfect Diary, a beauty brand, is popular among consumers in Southeast Asia and has become the Top 1 cross-border beauty brand in sales.
  A large number of domestic brands in Southeast Asia also enjoyed a strong sales growth through Lazada’s “Sell to China” program. According to the data, the Philippine beauty brand Sunnies Face rose to become one of the three new lip gloss brands in the first three months after its debut on Tmall. In 2020, the sales volume of “Double 11” increased nearly five times compared with the same period of last year. Ellips, an Indonesian haircare brand, and Irvins, a Singaporean salted egg and sweet potato chip brand, which participated in the “Double 11” activity on Tmall for the first time, saw sales volume more than 50 times on November 11.   With the construction of Lazada import and export super engine, it is believed that China-ASEAN will add infrastructure to the digital economy, help the sustainable development of bilateral digital economy cooperation, and foster more new driving forces for the economic and social development of both sides.
  China-ASEAN E-commerce Silk Road will be promising
  After more than 10 years of cooperation and development, bilateral trade between China and ASEAN has become a common occurrence. However, the bilateral ties in E-commerce are still in the stage of an urgent need to take off. Facing the huge potential of the trade market between China and ASEAN, the development of cross-border E-commerce is immeasurable and will become a key factor affecting the economic development of ASEAN.
  In the future, China will join hands with ASEAN countries to continue the Silk Road E-commerce cooperation and make continuous efforts to improve the quality and level of bilateral economic and trade cooperation.
  When talking about the future development of China-ASEAN E-commerce cooperation, Zhu Lian put forward four effective suggestions: First, to establish a bilateral E-commerce cooperation mechanism to lay a solid foundation for the further development of Silk Road E-commerce cooperation; Second, more ASEAN countries should carry out exchanges of E-commerce development plans, policies, regulations, rules and standards, so as to create a favorable environment for the common prosperity and development of E-commerce. Third, efforts should be made to carry out more practical cooperation with E-commerce enterprises in ASEAN countries to open broader space for further development of bilateral economic and trade cooperation. Fourth, we will promote exchanges and cooperation between E-commerce experts and scholars, intermediary agencies and universities to provide intellectual support for China-ASEAN E-commerce cooperation.
  The rise and development of E-commerce will inevitably lead to the adjustment and optimization of China-ASEAN economic structure, promote the overall economic development of both sides, create more economic benefits, and provide good opportunities for countries to change the traditional foreign trade model and create a large number of new jobs.
10月20日,越南计划投资部部长阮志勇在国会作《关于2016-2020年中期公共投资计划和中期公共投资计划执行情况的报告》时表示,2021-2025年阶段国家财政预算公共投资总额计划为2750万亿越盾(约1182亿美元),较上一个5年增加37%。  上述公共投資将重点保障完成东部南北高速公路、全国沿海公路、公路连接线、机场、海港建设需要,以缩短交通运输时间,节省燃料支出,提升旅客和货物流通量,降低
1917年的夏天,一位名叫珊婉·塔拉帕特(Sangwan Talapat)的年轻女子来到美国。她未曾想到自己的生活将会就此改变,也未曾想到她即将踏上一段全新的人生旅程——平民出身的她,嫁给了一位王子,并成为了两任国王和一位公主的母亲。她改变了无数人的生活,并激励着所有人。  她就是已故的泰国普密蓬·阿杜德国王的母亲——诗纳卡琳皇太后。泰国王室于1970年授予她该头衔,但多数泰国人更喜欢亲切地称她为
据泰国民航管理局消息称,目前已向10家外国航空公司发放了复航许可。这10家获得授权的航空公司都已开启售票窗口,并陆续接送泰国人及外国游客进入泰国。  目前获得授权的10家外国航空公司分别是:阿联酋航空的EK384定期航班、卡塔尔航空的QR830和QR836定期航班、阿提哈德航空的EY406定期航班、国泰航空的653定期航班、新加坡航空的SQ976定期航班、汉莎航空的LH772定期航班、瑞士航空的L
柬埔寨是第九屆东盟文化艺术部部长级会议轮值主席国,10月22日,柬埔寨文化艺术部部长彭萨格娜通过视频主持第九届东盟文化艺术及相关会议时,宣布暹粒市为“东盟文化城市”。这主要是因为暹粒市是高棉帝国的前首都,不仅拥有丰富的自然资源、优美的自然景观,同时又有丰富的历史文化遗产、名胜古迹和多彩的民俗风情。  自2008年以来,轮值主席国都会提议该国一个城市作为东盟文化城市,以展示每个东盟成员国的东盟身份和
10月23日,2020中国—东盟媒体合作论坛以线上形式举办。来自中国和东盟10国的近60位新闻官员、媒体代表和专家学者围绕“守望相助、合作共赢:助力中国—东盟战略伙伴关系提质升级”主题进行了探讨交流。  东盟秘书处副秘书长康富表示,媒体交流与合作是中国—东盟关系的重要组成部分,当前形势要求双方探索数字经济、社交媒体等新的合作方式,共同应对未来的挑战。  在本次论坛上,与会人员还共同见证了《中國关键
为了加快贸易向国际化发展,自2020年11月开始,缅甸启用Myanmar Tradenet2.0系统,进出口商可在此系统上完成进出口许可申请、费用支付等相关业务。此系统可以提供更多的贸易品种,申请人使用注册登记号即可在系统中完成所有贸易相关业务,贸易管理部门也可参与到系统中。如涉及需农业、畜牧、食品药品管理等部门出示證明的产品,这些相关部门可在此系统中直接办理,申请人无需再把证明送到商务部。
2020年,在第17届中国—东盟博览会上,巴基斯坦首次出任特邀合作伙伴。尽管因为疫情关系,巴基斯坦国家领导人无法到现场参会,但东博会现场还是迎来了巴基斯坦驻华大使莫因·哈克这位尊贵的客人。在第17届东博会会期,莫因·哈克就中巴关系、中巴经济走廊建设、东博会等相关问题接受了媒体专访。  中巴经济走廊建设极大地促进了巴基斯坦发展  中国和巴基斯坦两国交往历史悠久,友谊深厚,被称为“铁杆”兄弟。现在两国
10月20日,首批持有“特殊旅游签证”的中国游客从上海飞抵曼谷素万那普国际机场。这是泰国因新冠肺炎疫情暂停入境旅游后迎来的首批中国游客。按照规定,这些游客抵达泰国后首先需要隔离14天,隔离期满后可以在安装了可全程追踪的手机应用的情况下,自由前往泰国各地旅游。  据悉,9月15日,泰国内阁批准“特殊旅游签證”措施,允许从10月起开放符合条件的长期逗留外国游客入境。该签证主要面向疫情控制良好国家的游客
印尼央行总裁贝利近日表示,在新冠肺炎疫情期间,印尼金融和数字经济得到快速发展。根据印尼央行记录,自2020年初到8月底,电子商务的交易额已达180万亿盾。预计到2020年底,电子商务交易额会达到429万亿盾,这将是2019年的205.5万亿盾的两倍。  贝利称,这一切主要归功于印尼央行2019年推动中小微企业和零售领域积极朝向数字化交易发展。自2019年推出的印尼快速链接标准码(QRIS)实施之后
10月12日,中国商务部部长钟山与柬埔寨商业大臣潘索萨分别在北京和金边代表中柬两国政府,通过视频正式签署《中华人民共和国政府和柬埔寨王国政府自由贸易协定》(以下简称中柬自贸协定)。  商签中柬自贸协定是中柬两国领导人达成的重要共識。双方于2020年1月启动谈判,历经7个月3轮正式谈判,于2020年7月20日宣布完成谈判。协定的签署标志着双方全面战略合作伙伴关系、共建中柬命运共同体和“一带一路”合作