棚(室)栽培香椿经济效益显著。经沧州市蔬菜所的多点试验 ,每667 (亩)单产可高达2000 (公斤) ,纯收入1.5万元以上。其主要栽培要点是 :一、品种选择适宜棚(室)栽培的品种为红香椿。该品种芽薹叶柄粗壮、脆嫩、嫩叶鲜亮 ,生长速度快 ,香气浓郁 ,无苦涩味 ,
Shed (room) cultivation of Toon significant economic benefits. The Cangzhou City, by the multi-point test of vegetables, per 667 (mu) yield can be as high as 2000 (kg), net income of 15,000 yuan. The main cultivation points are: First, the choice of varieties suitable shed (room) cultivated varieties of red toon. The variety bud stalk stalk stout, crisp, bright young leaves, growth speed, aroma, no bitter astringency,