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Packet Reservation technology is frequently used in Media Access Control protocols. To increase the utilization of bandwidth, D.J. Goodman et al. presented the p-persistent algorithm, in which an access probability p is used to reduce collision. This idea
1.引言  近年来,现场总线技术(Field Bus)[1,2]在工业过程监控领域得到了越来越广泛的应用,该技术特别适合于远距离多点信号检测,它利用双向、高速和可寻址的数字通讯手段,
1 引言全球性的竞争使得从头开发和维护复杂的中间件显得日益困难.在过去的几年中,对分布对象计算中间件,尤其是CORBA的需求迅速增长,基于CORBA的企业级应用发展迅猛.但是,由
1 引言被作为MPI"事实标准”的PVM[1,2]是一个优秀的异构多机分布计算环境支持软件.出于最初系统设计的考虑,它具极好的静态可伸缩性,但是它不支持负载在系统内部浮动,严重影
The paper draws comparison and analysis among present similarity measure methods in the case of similari-ty measures between Vague values, provides a new simila
The limitations of traditional name services in constructing dependable systems are discussed in this paper, and TongCos, a reliable name service based on repli
1.前言  MPEG-4图像压缩标准的制定使得视频分割技术显得尤为重要.视频分割是指视频序列按一定的标准分割成区域,从而从视频序列里分离出有意义的实体.在MPEG-4标准的图像
一、引言  设G一(V,E)是一个有向无环图(DAG图).在该图上计算单源最短路径算法的经典算法是Dijkstra算法.……
A reinforcement clustering framework which constitutes Bernoulli stochastic neural units is proposed inthis paper. Reinforcement learning mechanism is introduce