辞旧迎新之际,网络商务专家们都在忙着计算消费者在网络中总共花出了多少钱,但实际上大部分电子商务交易来自于商家之间的买卖。 1997年三个最成功的商务站点分别是Cisco、Dell和Amazon.com,它们都具有良好的信誉,也赚到了充足的利润,是其它站点的榜样,而且它们也摸索出了一条成功的电子商务的道路。他们中的两个站点,其主要收入来源于商业用户的支出。Cisco公司通过网络销售出了大约30亿美元的网络设备,Dell公司的站点每天可销售300万美元的PC,而书商Amazon.com则看准了消费市场,虽然并
On the occasion of the new year, Internet business experts are busy calculating how much money consumers spend on the Internet in total, but in fact most of the e-commerce transactions come from the business transactions between businesses. The three most successful business sites in 1997 were Cisco, Dell, and Amazon.com, all of which have good reputations and have made substantial profits and are examples of other sites, and they have also figured out a successful e-commerce path of. The two of them, the main income comes from the expenditure of business users. Cisco sold about $ 3 billion of network equipment over the Internet, Dell’s Web site selling $ 3 million a day, and bookseller Amazon.com focused on the consumer market, though