2005年的春天,以年轻人为主力的中国网民,在互联网上发起了一个给总理起“网名”的活动。在全国“两会”结束后第一天, 在新华网发展论坛上有7958名网友为总理起了304个网名,其中包括“知心公仆”、“温暖中国”、“大众网友”、“百姓之子”等听上去相当温情脉脉的名字。一位网友为总理起了一个“铁腕温情”的网名,还用一副对联对这一名字进行了阐释:铁腕斩贪官绝腐败朝野协力慑痼疾,温情润子民泽河山举国同心振中华。还有不少网友建议把总理称作“温大哥”、“家宝哥”。言为心声, 向来“嘴不留情”的中国网民,就这样把在很多人眼中仍高不可攀的国家领导人当作了“自己人”。
In the spring of 2005, young Chinese-dominated Chinese Internet users launched an event on the Internet that gave the prime minister a “net name.” On the first day after the conclusion of the “two sessions” in the whole country, there were 7,958 net friends starting at the Xinhuanet Development Forum with 304 net names for the prime minister, including “public servant”, “warm China”, “ Public netizens ”, “ people’s children ”and so on sounds very warmhearted name. A netizen played for the premier of a “iron fury ” screen name, but also with a couplet on the name explained: ironclad cut corrupt officials and corps together deterrence, China. There are many users suggested that the prime minister as “warm brother ”, “home treasure brother ”. The Chinese netizens who have always been “mercilessly mouthful of words” regard the leaders of the country that are still too high for many people to regard as “their own people.”