\\"文妖\\"? 书妖?——直解杨维桢书法(下)

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这种异象的形成还与毛笔有关,杨维桢与当时著名笔工陆颖贵、姚子华、老温、毛隐上人等交往甚密。“自诩奇士用奇笔”︵《东维子文集》卷九《赠笔史陆颖贵序》),其笔为陆颖贵所送,为《画沙锥》,可见这种毛笔锋利,腰劲而丰实,笔锋较短, The formation of this vision is also related to the brush, Yang Weizhen and famous pen writer Lu Yingui, Yao Zihua, Lao Wen, Mao Yin Shangren contacts closely. “Pilgrimage to the odd novelty pen ” (“Eastern Victoria” volume nine “gift pen history Lu Yinggui preface”), the pen sent by Lu Yingui, as “painted sand cone”, we can see that the brush sharp, waist Strong and solid, short brush front,