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小麦全蚀病是近几年发展起来的一种毁灭性病害。受害地块,轻者减产一至二成,重者减产五成以上。 (一)田间症状小麦全蚀病是典型的根部病害,病菌侵染部位只限于根及茎基部1—2节,不再向上延伸。在土壤菌量较大的常年发病中心,小麦拔节前就能表现症状,主要特征是病株较矮小、稀疏,植株下部黄叶较多,拔起病株,可看见种子根及地下茎(根茎)变成灰黑色,重病株种子根也局部变黑。黑色病根经乳酚油(石炭酸10克,乳酸10毫升,甘油20毫升、蒸馏水10毫升配成)透明封片,用显微镜检查, Total eclipse of wheat is a devastating disease developed in recent years. Victims of land plots, the light one to cut into one into two, in severe cases, cut more than 50%. (A) the field symptoms Wheat eclipse is a typical root disease, infection of the bacteria is limited to roots and stem base 1-2, no longer upward extension. In perennial morbidity centers with large amount of soil bacteria, wheat can manifest symptoms before jointing. The main features are that the diseased plants are shorter and sparse, there are more yellow leaves in the lower part of the plant, and the diseased plants can be pulled up to see the seed roots and underground stems ) Turned gray-black, severely diseased plants also partial darkening of the root. Black disease root by the lactalcohol oil (carbolic acid 10 grams, lactic acid 10 ml, glycerol 20 ml, distilled water 10 ml dubbed) transparent closure, microscopic examination,
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QV-R61便携式数码相机是卡西欧QV-R51的升级版,采用1/1.8英寸600万有效像素CCD,3倍光学变焦镜头,4倍数码变焦, 变焦范围相当于35mm相机的39-117 mm,最大光圈F2.8-4.9, ISO 50