目的 为了给体外血管组织培养提供生理脉动环境,实现血管组织培养装置中压力、流量接近生理脉动变化,简化循环液路系统参数设定,建立一个压力流量可调的血管组织培养装置.方法 在血流动力学研究基础上,构建生理脉动流系统混合参数模型及其模拟电路网络,运用Matlab Simulink/GUI仿真电路模型,通过仿真出的器件参数指导脉动流装置的设计.结果 利用电路仿真模拟了脉动流循环系统,在仿真和实验中实现了生理脉动压力和流量,并完成了实验装置的设计与制作.结论 电路系统仿真应用于体外脉动流循环系统的构建,可以简化血管组织培养装置的设计,指导系统调节.“,”Objective To achieve physiological pulsatile flow of pressure, flow in vascular tissue culture device and simplify the system parameter settings in the circuit, build a vascular tissue culture device which can achieve physiological pulsatile pressure and flow. Method On the basis of hydrodynamics, construct quasi-physiological arterial pulsation mixing parameter model and analog circuit network, using Matlab Simulink/GUI software to simulate the model circuit. Use the device parameters of simulation to guide the design of quasi-physiological artery pulsatile flow device.Result Used circuit simulate the system successfully, realized vessel physiological pressure and flow waveforms, and completed the design of experimental apparatus. Conclusions The use of the circuit system simulation in pulsatile flow system can simplify the vascular culture device, and guide system regulation.