长江、嫩江、松花江相继发生了史所罕见的特大洪灾,牵动了700多万琼岛儿女的心.海南人民掀起轰轰烈烈的赈灾募捐活动高潮.截止8月27日,全省社会各界共向灾区捐款 1768.8万元,捐物折款2534万元.其中省民政部门接收款1467.7万元,接收衣被、食品饮料、药品、尼龙编织袋等各种物资40万件,折款2132万元.市县捐款936.4万元.这次赈灾活动中,领导高度重视,身先士卒,把它当做当前头等大事来抓.除了向全省及时发出捐赠赈灾指示外,杜青林书记等省市县党政领导都带头捐款.新闻全面报道,气势空前.从长江流域发生洪灾开始,我省电视、广播、报纸等新闻媒体就进行全面跟踪报道,8月25日晚,我
The rare floods that have hitherto occurred in the Yangtze River, the Nen River and the Songhua River have affected the hearts of more than 7 million children in Qiongdo Island.Hainan people set off a spectacular upsurge of fund-raising activities for disaster relief.As of August 27, Donations 17,688,000 yuan, 25,340,000 yuan discount for the donations, of which the provincial civil affairs department receive 14,677,000 yuan, receiving clothing, food and beverage, medicines, nylon bags and other materials 400,000, a discount of 21.32 million yuan. The county donated 9.364 million yuan.This disaster relief activities, the leadership attaches great importance to take the lead, take it as the top priority to grasp.In addition to the timely release of the province’s donation relief instructions, party secretary and other provincial and municipal leaders Du Qinglin leaders take the lead in donations News comprehensive coverage, an unprecedented momentum from the floods in the Yangtze River began, our province television, radio, newspapers and other news media to conduct a comprehensive tracking report, the evening of August 25, I