飞行力学专业组成立十周年暨第十一次大会于1987年5月30日至6月3日在西安(陕西省军区招待所)召开。参加这次会议的有来自全国各航空厂、所,高等航空院校及空、海军共32个单位109名代表。国防科工委航空气动力协作攻关办公室和航空工业部民用飞机局送来了贺信。这次大会的主要任务是: 1.进行十年总结。会上老同志分别从不同角度对专业组十年来所取得的成绩进行
The tenth anniversary of the formation of flight mechanics group and the eleventh meeting on May 30, 1987 to June 3 in Xi’an (Shaanxi Military Region Guest House) was held. There were 109 representatives from 32 aeronautical factories, institutes, higher aviation institutes and air and naval units in the country attending this conference. Aviation Science and Technology Commission of the National Aeronautical Collaboration Office and the Civil Aviation Administration of Aviation Industry sent a letter of congratulation. The main tasks of this conference are: 1. To carry out a 10-year summary. At the meeting, the comrades at the meeting conducted their studies respectively over the past ten years from different perspectives