The survival of China’s R & D enterprises is the key to the implementation of China’s innovation-driven development strategy and determines whether this strategy can go far. In this paper, we use the event history analysis method in the field of biology to trace the survival status of research and development enterprises established in 2000 and whether there is a living premium. The findings are as follows: Firstly, there is no significant survival premium for R & D enterprises in China as a whole. If the zombie enterprises based on the imperfection of the exit mechanism are excluded, R & D firms should reduce the risk of survival by 7.25% more than non-R & D firms ; Secondly, there is not a simple linear relationship between R & D intensity and survival risk; there is a general “U” type relationship between R & D intensity and survival risk; finally, substantive R & D enterprises can significantly reduce the risk of survival, Large living premium, distorted R & D companies do not have the survival premium effect, but their life expectancy but lower than non-R & D enterprises. This conclusion reveals that one of the important reasons why Chinese R & D companies generally do not have a clear subsistence premium is that distorting research and development has swallowed the survival premium of substantial R & D firms. Well, while China’s R & D incentives encourage enterprises to conduct substantive research and development, appropriate mechanisms should be established to correct the R & D activities of enterprises.