在世界爵士大师的群像中,麦克·斯特恩可谓是极具艺术魅力的吉他演奏家,凭借天衣无缝的燃情技巧与浪漫的爵士乐句、麦克使其音乐理念在不同的音乐空间自由流动着,他是同代人中真正意义上的伟大吉他演奏家。 20世纪80年代,麦克·斯特恩在爵士乐坛脱颖而出,他的艺术成就获得了同行们的尊重与认同,尖刻的文艺批评家同样对麦克的音乐展露了笑容,高度评价其音乐影响了整整一代吉他演奏者。作为以超凡技巧著称的麦克,巧妙的将bebop音乐、Blues音乐、rock音乐与独特的浪漫诗句融合在一起,他的成功为世界吉他乐迷开辟了全新的音乐视野与创作空间,《Guitar magazine》杂志的Jon Chappell曾言:“麦克不仅是变幻莫测的魔术师,更是一位极具深度与热情的作曲家。”
In the group of world jazz masters, Mike Stern can be described as very artistic charm of guitar virtuoso, with perfect match of romance skills and romantic jazz phrases, Mike made his music concept in different music space free flow, He is a great guitar virtuoso in his generation. In the 1980s, Michael Stern stood out in the jazz scene, his artistic accomplishments gained the respect and recognition of his peers, and the sharp literary critics also smiled on Mike’s music show, highly praising that his music influenced an entire generation Guitar player. As a superb skill known as Mike, bebop music, Blues music, rock music and unique romantic verse fusion, his success for the world guitar fans opened up a new musical vision and creative space, “Guitar magazine” Magazine Jon Chappell once said: “Mike is not only a magician who is unpredictable, but also a composer with deep depth and passion.”