自从1979年《新文学史料》发表郁风的回忆录《三叔达夫》以后,这位被“冷藏”了30余年的五四文学巨匠之一的名作家,才随着一篇篇有关他的回忆、纪念文字,以及京、津、沪、浙、穗等地陆续重版的《沉沦》、《日记九种》、《毁家诗纪》和十二卷《郁达夫文集》等,逐渐显露出他的本来面目。但是,这位在生前,甚至死后都一直被误解为颓废、消沉、感伤,耽于醇酒妇人的天才诗人、作家,在远离祖国、流亡南洋、直至牺牲的最后七八年间的所思所虑,所作所为却鲜为人知。 最近北京三联书店出版了郁风主编的《郁达夫海外文集》,辑集了郁达夫自1938年8月至1941年11月在新加坡和
Since the publication of Yu Feng’s memoir “Third Uncle” by The New Historical Materials of Literature in 1979, the famous writer of one of the May Fourth literary masters who had been “refrigerated” for more than 30 years followed an article about him Memories and memorials, as well as “Degradation”, “Diary Nine”, “Destruction of Poems of the Destroyed Families” and Twelve Volumes of Yu Dafu, which have been republished in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, The true colors. However, before and even after his death, this person has been misunderstood as decadent, depressed, sentimental, and a genius poet and writer indulged in the last seven or eight years of far away from the motherland and exile in the Nanyang Concerned, what they did was little known. Recently, Beijing Sanlian Bookstore published Yu Feng editor Yu Taifu Overseas Collection, the collection of Yu Dafu from 1938 August to 1941 November in Singapore and