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一、先进经验的发现和推广的经过露天铁矿坑内开采有两条富矿脉,一是岭南,一是本脉,凿岩工李庆振就在本脉掌子工作,本脉掌子一般比较狭小,沿走向长平均自13—45公尺,幅宽平均自9—14公尺,倾角40°—45°,矿石为极松软的磁铁矿,普氏硬度系为5—7,节理发达,在矿石中有很多与矿床走向一致,而倾斜与矿床相反,倾角约50°—60°的显明节理,其间为滑石、方解石所充填成薄片,极易剥落,局部尚有逆断层所穿过,因此矿石不稳定容易冒顶,两盘为含滑石磁铁石英片岩,上盘比较不稳定,随著采矿片落厚度0.5M—1.0M之间。采矿方法为水平分层充填采矿法,并进行木?支架及小间隔采矿。李庆振同志从1955年3月调到本脉打眼,当时在本脉有3台机器三班连续作业,第一季度平均班台效能仅达28.14吨,3月份李庆振提出了1台机器一班打眼完成1台机器三班作业产量的建议,经矿上批准,4月份开始由他本人在17坑试行,在技术人员的配合下,当月就创造了每班台85.5吨的新纪录,超过 First, the discovery and promotion of advanced experience After mining open pit iron ore pit has two veins, one Lingnan, one of the veins, rock drill Li Qingzhen work in the veins of the palm, the veins of the palm is generally relatively small, Along the long average since the 13-45 meters, the average width of 9-14 meters, dip angle of 40 ° -45 °, the ore is very loose soft magnetite, Platts hardness of 5-7, developed joints in the There are many ores in the ore that are consistent with the ore deposit, but the tilt is opposite to that of the ore deposit. There are obvious joints with dip angle of about 50 ° -60 °, during which talc and calcite are filled into flakes and easily peel off. The ore is not easy to fall out of the top, two plates of quartzite containing talc magnetite, the plate is relatively unstable, with the thickness of the mining piece between 0.5M-1.0M. The mining method is horizontal stratified filling mining method, and wood scaffolding and small interval mining. Comrade Li Qingzhen from March 1955 transferred to this vein, at that time there are three machines in the pulse of three consecutive operations in the first quarter average class performance of only 28.14 tons of classes, in March Li Qingzhen proposed a machine a class of drilling done The proposal for the production of three machines for a single machine was approved by the mine and started trial by himself in 17th pit in April. With the cooperation of technical staff, a new record of 85.5 tons per class was created in the same month.
(一)主要指标完成情况 1—8月份利润计划完成全年计划指标62.9%,完成增产节约指标59.5%;定额流动资金超过全年平均指标5.5%,周转期超过11天。 (二)利润指标完成情况的分析 1955
天津钢厂郭厂长转炼钢部全体同志: 你们在2月份平炉冷修工作中,由于发挥了工人阶级的创造性和积极性,认真地学习了兄弟厂的先进经验,以68时29分和53时20分连创中型平炉中冷
原癌基因抑或原瘤基因姚开泰(湖南医科大学病理生理学教研室)Proto-oncogen应译为原瘤基因,而不是原癌基因。其理由是:Onco是肿瘤,而不是专指癌,癌是恶性肿瘤之一种。例如,在以往的译名中,tumor-suppressivefactor译为抑... P