Carbon unloading in roots in relation to root senescence in Cercis chinensis seedlings under drought

来源 :Forestry Studies in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cangyueshang
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When Cercis chinensis seedlings suffered from drought treatment,net photosynthetic rates had been significantly reduced at the end of the drought treatment. Compared with the control,the activities of acid invertases in roots had increased 5 and 11 days after drought treatment. Seventeen days after drought treatment,the activities of acid invertases in roots were significantly decreased,while activities of alkaline invertases in roots had also been significantly reduced. As the moisture in culture media decreased,so the activities of sucrose synthases in leaves decreased slightly. In roots,their activities had significantly increased 5 and 11 days after drought treatment. The contents of fructose in roots reduced as the moisture in culture media decreased and 11 and 17 days after drought treatment the reduction was significant. The content of glucose in roots clearly did not change as drought stress occurred further,but was still less than that in the control seedlings. Similarly,the content of sucrose reduced as the moisture in culture media decreased. At the beginning of the drought stress,the content of sucrose was significantly higher than that in the control and afterwards there were no differences between drought-treated seedlings and the control. The gradient of the sucrose content between leaves and roots was 0.0982 mg·g-1 FW 17 days after drought treatment,while the gradient of the seedlings under normal condition was 1.3832 mg·g-1 FW. The sucrose concentration gradient reduced by 92.9%. The reduction in the sucrose content gradient under drought stress decreased the sucrose partitioning in roots. Therefore,our results support the hypothesis of ’shared control’. Compared with the control, the activities of acid invertases in roots had increased 5 and 11 days after drought treatment. Seventeen days after drought treatment, the activities of acid invertases in roots were significantly decreased, while activities of alkaline invertases in roots had also been significantly reduced. As the moisture in culture media decreased, so the activities of sucrose synthases in leaves decreased slightly. had significantly increased 5 and 11 days after drought treatment. The contents of fructose in roots reduced as the moisture in culture media decreased and 11 and 17 days after drought treatment the reduction was significant. The content of glucose clearly clearly did not change as drought stress occurred further, but was was still less than that in the control seedlings. Similarly, the c on the first of the moisture in culture media decreased. the content of sucrose was significantly higher than that in the control and afterwards there were no differences between drought-treated seedlings and the control. The gradient of The sucrose content between leaves and roots was 0.0982 mg · g-1 FW for 17 days after drought treatment, while the gradient of the seedlings under normal condition was 1.3832 mg · g -1 FW. The sucrose concentration gradient reduced by 92.9%. The reduction in the sucrose content gradient under drought stress decreased the sucrose partitioning in roots. so, our results support the hypothesis of ’shared control’.
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