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  I grew up on a diversified farm—a number of different types of crops and various kinds of livestock. Lots of livestock. My mother had, what we called, a laying house. It was an old henhouse in which she put a couple of hundred laying hens. Each day we would gather the eggs and when we needed groceries, Mom would take them to Sibilrud’s
  2)Cardinal Grocery Store in Hartland and trade the eggs for some groceries. Once in a while, there would even be enough money derived from the eggs that I could get a candy bar.
  This was not always the case. I didn’t like chocolate, but for some reason I liked “Cherry Humps” candy bars. Two chocolate-covered cherries connected by even more chocolate and covered with a candy wrapper.
  On one such trip to town, I had a particular
  3)hankering for a “Cherry Humps”. I was seven years old. We didn’t get to town all that much. Not all the hens were good layers. The poor layers became fryers for Sunday dinner. This caused the flock to shrink in size as time went by. Mom took the eggs to the back of the store and slid them into a
  4)chute that led to the person who candled the eggs. Candling was a process in which a person held the egg between his or her eye and a light and could tell by experience whether or not an egg had blood clots, was rotten or was 5)fertile.
  We didn’t have a lot of eggs this day, so I followed my mother down the few aisles of Sibilrud’s Grocery with but a small hope for one of my beloved candy bars. I had a handful of “6)gimme” and a mouthful of “7)much obliged”, but it soon became apparent that there would be no “Cherry Humps” for my enjoyment this day.
  While my mother was settling up with the
  cashier, I did a very stupid thing. I picked up a “Cherry Humps” candy bar from its display case and put it into my pocket. When it came time to put the groceries into our old 8)Pontiac and head back to Mule Lake Farm for another go at the endless chores awaiting us there, I dove into the backseat.
  About halfway home, my 9)taste buds could wait no longer. I took that candy bar out of my pocket,
  unwrapped it as quietly as I possibly could and bit off one of the two chocolate-covered cherries. I was so engrossed in savoring the exquisite taste of the candy bar that I did not notice my mother eyeing me through the 10)rearview mirror. She hit the brakes and we slid to a stop on the gravel road.
  “Where did you get that candy bar?” she asked.
  “Sibilrud’s,” I mumbled as I tried swallowing the evidence.
  “How did you get a candy bar? You didn’t have any money!”
  I didn’t need to give an answer. Mom could see the guilt written all over my face. She turned the old car around and we headed back to Hartland. I hoped that my mother was going back to Sibilrud’s to pay for the candy bar. I was not to be so lucky. She grabbed me by the ear and dragged me out of the car and into Sibilrud’s. Sibilrud’s was owned and operated by Kenny and Shirley Sibilrud, wonderful people. I followed my ear and my mother to where Kenny Sibilrud was standing.
  “Kenny,” my mother blurted out. “My son has something he needs to tell you.”
  I think Kenny thought it was kind of funny, but my mother didn’t. I had to tell Kenny what I had done. I had stolen a “Cherry Humps” candy bar. I had to tell him that I was very sorry and that I would never do it again. It was the truth; I was very sorry and I would never do it again. This still wasn’t enough for my mother. She drove me into town each afternoon for six days. Once there, I had to go into Sibilrud’s and sweep the floors with a bad broom. The broom was well on its way to becoming bristle-free. Not only that, but if anybody asked me why I was sweeping the floors, I had to tell them why. I learned from this experience that nothing is free in this world, you only get what you want by earning it.
  I don’t think they make “Cherry Humps”
  candy bars anymore. If they did, they would be safe from me.


My father-in-law Eddie was a mere 1)snippet of a man. Barely standing five feet tall and somewhat of a 2)recluse, he was a quiet man. He seldom left the house. He didn't attend any of his children's w
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