以从西方“进口”的现代文艺心理学方法来解读中国古色古香的诗词,岂不是异想天开?——也许有人见到本文的题目,会发出如此莫名的惊诧。 诚然,现代文艺心理学是一门比较年轻的学科,本世纪三十年代悄然传入中国,而由于众所周知的历史原因,随后的近半个世纪几乎销声匿迹。到了八十年代,它才重现光彩,并渐渐在文艺研究、评论和鉴赏中崭露头角。而由于文化的和心理的原因,人
Is it not a whimsical way to interpret ancient Chinese poems in the way of modern literary psychology that is “imported” from the West? - Some people might be surprised to see the title of this article. It is true that modern literary psychology is a relatively young subject that was quietly introduced to China in the 1930s and almost disappeared in nearly half a century for well-known historical reasons. In the 1980s, it only returned to glory, and gradually came to prominence in literature and art research, commentary and appreciation. And because of cultural and psychological reasons, people