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近年来,人们对微生物源挥发性有机物的研究日益感兴趣,不仅因为释放挥发性物质的微生物种类超出人们现有的认识,而且这些微生物挥发性物质成分复杂、功能多样。本文从现有微生物挥发性物质收集、分析方法以及微生物挥发性物质在植物病害生物防治方面的研究进展进行综述。针对释放挥发性物质真菌和细菌的种类多样性、抗菌挥发性物质成分的多样性以及在生物防治中的应用进行了系统阐述。此外,作者还对产生挥发性物质的微生物新种类,特殊生物活性物质结构、功能、作用机制以及应用前景等研究方面提出了展望。 In recent years, people are increasingly interested in the research of volatile organic compounds (microbes), not only because the types of microbes that release volatile substances exceed what is currently known, but also because of the complexity and versatility of volatile components in these microbes. In this paper, the current research progress on the collection and analysis of volatile organic compounds and their application in the biological control of plant diseases are summarized. The species diversity of fungi and bacteria releasing volatile substances, the diversity of antimicrobial volatile substances and their application in biological control were systematically expounded. In addition, the author also put forward the prospect of new types of microorganisms producing volatile substances, the structure, function, mechanism and application prospect of special bioactive substances.
撒贝宁曾在舞台上向妹妹撒贝娜深情表白,许多观众也是第一次知道,原来在生活中,小撒还真真切切地扮演着“哥哥”的角色。  2013年上半年,央视《舞出我人生》的比赛一直很紧张,央视著名主持人撒贝宁的参赛及其一路的出色表现,更是让观众大开眼界,但他能否冲进决赛,也始终让人悬着心。6月,紧张的半决赛开录,他的妹妹撒贝娜也亲赴现场,以“帮帮跳”的身份与哥哥携手作战。最终,撒贝宁和舞伴张白羽杀进了决赛,虽然没