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论当代中国雕塑教学体系的积极选择 西安美术学院 石村 从雕塑教学的角度讲,我们过去几千年雕塑艺术师承传授上未曾有过规模化、系统化即学院化的教学体制。中国的美术院校真正将雕塑艺术造型方法搬到课堂上讲授,也仅是近百年的事情,而且也是吸收、引进和搬用西方雕塑教学体系(代表性的是法派和苏派)。作为一个特定时期的全盘引进和拿来借鉴是必要的。但它并不是根本目的,目标还应放在发展自己民族的教学体系上来。否则,我们长时期地这样照搬和套用外来的艺术教育模式,就会忘记了我们的责任,就会把发展、完善民族雕塑艺术教学体系的重大课题抛在脑后,其结果必须形成雕塑艺术教学体系与我们民族雕塑艺术发展的母体相分离,这与我们民族雕塑艺术的继承和发展是极不相适应的。 On the positive selection of contemporary Chinese sculpture teaching system From the perspective of sculpture teaching, from the perspective of sculpture teaching, the past few thousand years of sculpture artists in our country have never taught a large-scale, systematic and academized teaching system. Chinese art academies really moved the methods of sculpture and art modeling to classroom teaching, which is only a matter of nearly a century. It also absorbs, introduces and moves western sculpture teaching system (representatively, the French and Soviet factions). As a specific period of the overall introduction and use of reference is necessary. However, it is not a fundamental purpose. The goal should also be to develop the teaching system of one’s own nation. Otherwise, our long-term copying and application of foreign art education models will forget our responsibility and we will forget about major issues in developing and perfecting the teaching system of national sculpture art. As a result, we must form the teaching of sculpture art The system is separated from the mother of the development of our national sculpture, which is incompatible with the inheritance and development of our national sculpture art.