As the U.S. politicians have always proclaimed, is the United States an incarnation of democracy and justice? Every war launched by the United States from the FRY, Afghanistan to Iraq is always under the name of democracy and human rights, freedom and peace. However, have time and again air strikes and bombings, and again and again and again and again and again by means of weapons advanced and militarily conducted military operations, eventually bringing democracy and freedom to each other’s people? It is another bloody fact that the world has noticed: the Yugoslav orphanages who lost their parents in the indiscriminate bombing are now living on the streets; the innumerable losers who left home on the Afghan border are isolated and helpless, lingering in the sandstorm and the hot sun; the situation in Iraq is even worse Turmoil and the Iraqi prisoners of war have been so abusive in the U.S. military prisons ... Yes, the United States is far less noble, less noble, and repeatedly self-proclaimed noble, full of hiding and fooling around the world The unbelievable conspiracy of its true intentions: either in order to pass on the political crisis in the country, or to inject a taciturn into the dying economy, or to complete its own ambitions of controlling and monopolizing the world’s precious resources - to count the United States over the years What time of the military action has nothing to do with these plots? In this issue we have compiled an article entitled “Wall Street is Related to the Syrian War ?,” and economically interprets the so-called Syrian issue that is now far from settled. Readers have a more profound understanding of American-style “democracy and justice.”