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目的识别、分析与评价某年产1200t聚丙烯腈基碳纤维建设项目可能产生的职业病危害因素及危害程度,确定其职业病危害类别,为该项目职业病危害分类管理提供科学依据;为项目的设计提供必要的职业病危害防护对策和建议;为卫生行政部门对建设项目的职业卫生审查提供科学的技术依据。方法采用经验法、检查表法和综合分析法对可能存在的职业病危害因素进行识别与分析。结果该项目在产品的生产过程、检测维修和原料贮存运输等过程中,存在属于高度危害(丙烯腈、氰化氢、一氧化碳、氮氧化物、氨)、中度危害(依康酸)、轻度危害(二甲亚砜、丙烯酸甲酯、偶氮二异丁腈、甲烷)的职业性毒物及噪声、高温等多种职业病危害因素,分布以车间生产区域为主,经综合分析认定该项目属严重职业病危害项目。该项目生产工艺先进,采用分散控制系统(DCS),生产过程处于完全密闭的洁净空间,防止了毒物的逸散及泄漏。在平面布局、生产工艺、设备布局、辅助卫生设施、车间卫生防护和个人防护措施、职业卫生管理、个人卫生保健、应急救援等方面需完善。结论该项目必须将基础设计中拟采取的各项职业病危害防护措施和预评价报告提出的各项建议落实到设计和施工中,在生产过程中可能产生的职业病危害因素是可以预防的,从职业卫生角度分析该项目是可行的。 OBJECTIVE To identify, analyze and evaluate the possible occupational hazards and hazards of a 1,200t polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fiber construction project of an annual output and identify the occupational hazards and provide a scientific basis for the classification management of occupational hazards in this project. It is necessary for the design of the project Of occupational hazards prevention measures and recommendations; for the health administrative departments of construction projects to provide occupational health examination to provide a scientific and technical basis. Methods Empirical methods, checklist methods and comprehensive analysis were used to identify and analyze possible occupational hazards. Results In the process of product production, testing, maintenance and storage and transportation of raw materials, the project possesses high risk (acrylonitrile, hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, ammonia), moderate harm Occupational toxicants, occupational toxicants such as dimethyl sulfoxide, methyl acrylate, azobisisobutyronitrile and methane, and various occupational hazards such as noise and high temperature were distributed in the workshops. The comprehensive analysis showed that the project Is a serious occupational hazard project. The project advanced production technology, the use of distributed control system (DCS), the production process in a fully enclosed clean space, to prevent the escape of poison and leakage. In the layout, production technology, equipment layout, auxiliary health facilities, plant health protection and personal protective measures, occupational health management, personal health care, emergency rescue and other aspects need to be improved. Conclusion This project must implement all the suggestions on protective measures against occupational hazards and pre-evaluation reports to be taken in the basic design into the design and construction. The possible occupational hazards in the production process can be prevented. From the occupational Health analysis of the project is feasible.