高性能分布式路由器中 ,路由管理必须面对两个技术难点 :1)实现高性能的路由查找算法 ;2 )实现主从路由表同步。该文提出一种分布式的路由管理模型 ,给出了这两个技术难点的解决方案。模型实现了路径压缩 Trie树和TCAM硬件相配合的路由查找算法 ,采用了自主设计的过滤算法对路由信息进行过滤 ,并应用 Zebra协议兼容 IPv4和 IPv6路由协议。模型可支持 2 .5 Gb/s接口的分组转发以及 2 0 0 0条 /s的路由更新速度。目前该模型已在国家“八六三”重大攻关项目——“核心路由器”中得到实现
High-performance distributed routers, routing management must face two technical difficulties: 1) to achieve high-performance routing lookup algorithm; 2) to achieve master-slave routing table synchronization. This paper proposes a distributed routing management model and gives solutions to these two technical difficulties. The model realizes the routing lookup algorithm that matches the Trie-TC and TCAM hardware. It uses a self-designed filtering algorithm to filter the routing information and uses the Zebra protocol to be compatible with IPv4 and IPv6 routing protocols. The model supports packet forwarding for 2.5 Gb / s interfaces and 20000 / s routing updates. At present, the model has been implemented in the national “863” major project - the “core router”