
来源 :物理化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sun_zhimin_dl
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The activation energies and the reaction orders of the thermal decomposition of thIee arnmonium molybdates in air were calculated for the first time according to Kissinger method from the DSC curves of their thexture at chrent heating rates. The activation energies and the reaction orders of the thermal decomposition of thoi arnmonium molybdates in air were calculated for the first time according to Kissinger method from the DSC curves of their thexture at chrent heating rates.
认识他的时候,她是年轻与美貌兼具的上海姑娘,酷爱声乐,曾在名家门下学习过正统的意大利发声法,参加过《黄河大合唱》,最擅长的是用英语演唱《蓝色的多瑙河》。而他已过知天命之年,全身瘫痪、生活不能自理,脖颈僵硬歪斜、言语含混不清,甚至一激动,眼珠子就往上翻,需要别人帮忙按摩才能够复原。难怪很多人质疑:他们之间能有什么爱情?    “我觉得他像一个圣僧,很圣洁,很善良……”初见他,她没有被吓倒,而是留下