迟群何许人? 如果说,王张江姚“四人帮”阴谋篡权复辟,是我国无产阶级专政历史上一出短命的反革命丑剧,那么迟群则是剧中一个喧嚣一时的反革命小丑。迟群其人,阴险暴戾,贪婪凶残,不学无术而野心极大,是一个具有政治暴发户特征的新生反革命分子。当初,他招摇撞骗,自称是一个“小兵”,待到“四人帮”灭亡前猖狂一跳时,他自以为羽毛已丰,竟凶相毕露地声称:“党内斗争学问大啦,……这几年算是卷进去了”,“是我们没有力量,没有理论,没有实践,没有经验吗?我们都有。我们没有一点自卑感。我们在外省有十几个基地,直接通到社会各个地方……”。真是一幅绝妙的自画像! 不难看出,在“四人帮”反党集团的“精心栽培”之下,此时的迟群已经是一个狂妄不可一世,黑手伸向全国各地的反革命急先锋了。列宁指出:”机会主义不是偶然的现象,不是个别人物的罪孽、过错和叛变,而是整个历史
If Chiracao Wang’s “Gang of Four” conspiracy to usurpation and restoration of power is a short-lived counter-revolutionary foolish show in the history of the proletarian dictatorship in China, then Chiqun is a noisy and counter-revolutionary clown in the play. It is a freshmen anti-revolutionary element characterized by political upheaval, as a result of its quick turnaround, its greedy and cruelty, its ignorance and ambitiousness. At first, he claimed that he was a “soldier.” By the time the “Gang of Four” drowned before his death, he thought that feathers had already been abundance. He even claimed that: “In the past few years, ”We have no power, no theory, no practice, no experience? We all have .We do not have a sense of inferiority .We have more than a dozen bases in other provinces and have direct access to all parts of the society ...“. It is not hard to see that under the ”elaborate cultivation“ of the ”Gang of Four“ anti-Party clique, the late Qun’an at this time is already an arrogant vanguard of arrogance and arrogance toward the entire country. Lenin pointed out: ”opportunism is not an accidental phenomenon, not an individual’s sin, fault and rebellion, but the entire history