我们抵达尼亚加拉市已是晚上12点,当晚住在 HowAepJOHNSON 旅店。这里离瀑布有数公里远,但能听到它那宛如巨雷长鸣的声响。大家急欲前往观看,无奈不认得路,而且已是深夜,为安全起见,只得作罢,待明日再作打算。竖晨,我们去观看瀑布,我们循着那声响远远望去,但见瀑布腾起的水雾弥满了整片天空。尼亚加拉瀑布有3个,即美利坚瀑布、马碲瀑布和新娘婚纱瀑布。瀑布位于美国与加拿大交界的地方,所以这个旅游资源实际上是
We arrived in Niagara City at 12pm and stayed at HowAepJOHNSON Hotel that night. Here a few kilometers from the waterfall, but can hear it sounds like a thundering giant thunder. We urgently want to go to watch, but unfortunately do not recognize the road, but already late at night, for security reasons, had to give up until tomorrow to make plans. In the early morning, we went to watch the waterfall, and we followed the sound from afar, but the waterfall full of mist filled the sky. Niagara Falls has three, namely, the United States Falls, the waterfalls and the Telluride Bridal Wedding Bridal. The waterfall is located at the intersection of the United States and Canada, so this tourist resource is actually