人一老,什么问题都出来了。 老爸老妈现在住的房子,是小吴在外地读大学的时候装修的。这个70多平方米的家,至今保持着上世纪80年代末期家庭装修的所有流行元素:沿着天花板的一长排吊柜、整面墙的大镜子、贴满饰面板的墙裙、光亮溜滑的花式地砖,窗户外还装了一个巨大的保安笼。当年,小吴正年轻,父母的身体也还硬朗,一家人在新装修好的房子里住得很开心,从来没有觉得生活有什么不便。但是,随着父母年纪相继迈过70大关,老房子里就渐渐显得危机四伏:老爸总是颤颤巍巍地攀着梯子到吊柜拿东西,客厅的地砖一沾上水就滑得像溜冰场,冬天里开了油汀老妈还总是冷得发抖,还有那个非常考验腰腿力量的蹲坑。终于有一天,老妈擦地板的时候在地砖上滑了一跤,在医院里躺了三天…… 人到了老年阶段,身体健康状况会逐步走下坡路,如腰弯背驼、行动缓慢、反应迟钝等,而这些变化又易造成老年人健忘、爱发
Old people, what problems are out. Mom and dad now live in the house, Xiao Wu is studying in the field when the university renovation. This home of more than 70 square meters has maintained all the popular elements of home decoration in the late 1980s: a long row of hanging cabinets along the ceiling, a large mirror full of walls, a dado covered panel, Fancy floor tiles, the window is also equipped with a huge security cage. That year, Xiao Wu is young, his parents are also tough body, the family lived in a newly renovated house very happy, never felt that any inconvenience to life. However, with the parents over the age of 70 have passed the mark, the old house gradually appear crisis: dad always trembling climb the ladder to the counter to take something, the living room floor tiles stained with water slides like ice skating Field, opened in winter oil mother is always cold and shivering, there is a test that the strength of the waist and legs squatting. Finally, one day, my mom skims on the floor tiles while rubbing the floor and lays in the hospital for three days ... When people reach old age, their health status will gradually decline. For example, Dull, etc., and these changes can easily lead to forgetful elderly, love hair