在与欧洲殖民者几百年的碰撞中,美国印第安作家与混血身份这一母题之间的挣扎、思索与探讨从未间断过,路易斯·欧文斯(Louis Owens)的小说《猜骨游戏》(Bone Game)亦不例外。小说通过两起间隔近200多年的谋杀事件,串联起历史过往与现实生活,同时对当时盛行的“新时代”(新世纪)运动(New Age Movement)提出质疑。在此主要阐述主人公科尔在面对由身份危机所引发的精神焦虑时,如何在朋友埃里克斯(Alex)的帮助下,展开一场独特却又普遍的身份追寻和精神治愈之旅,从而重新与印第安传统和遗产建立联系。也使读者对美国印第安作家作品中混血身份的书写和寻求有更动态多元、平衡包容的理解。
Hundreds of years with the European colonists in the collision, the American Indian writer and the theme of mixed-race identity struggles, thinking and discussion never stopped before, Louis Owens’s novel “Guess the bone game” (Bone Game) is no exception. The novel challenged the prevailing “New Age Movement” through two murders that lasted nearly 200 years, linking history with the past and real life. This article mainly expounds how the protagonist Cole launched a unique but universal journey of identity pursuit and spiritual healing with the help of his friend Alex in the face of the mental anxiety triggered by identity crisis. Thus reconnecting with Indian traditions and heritage. It also gives readers a more dynamic and balanced understanding of mixed-race writing and quest in American Indian writers.