由A2LIVE主办、被誉为中国“国际电音平台”的2014风暴电音节于10月5日至10月6日在上海徐汇滨江绿地举行。除了之前公布的一众电音大咖之外,主办方提前发布,美国流行电子ICON钱妞Ke$ha将加盟风暴电音节。主办方A2LIVE请来的这位钱妞Ke$ha有什么来头?如果说Lady Ga Ga是惊世骇俗,Lilly Allen是鬼灵精怪,那么Ke$ha应该是介于两者中间的前卫直率。她是MTV欧洲音乐大奖“年度最
Hosted by A2LIVE, the 2014 Storm Syllabus, which is honored as China’s ”International Phonogram Platform,“ was held in Shanghai’s Xuhui Riverside Greenfield from October 5 to October 6. In addition to a public announcement before the big coffee, the organizers released in advance, the United States popular electronic ICON Qian Niu Ke $ ha will join the storm electric syllables. Organizer A2LIVE invited the money girl Ke $ ha what’s the matter? If Lady Ga Ga is shocking, Lilly Allen is ghostly, then Ke $ ha should be in between the avant-garde straightforward. She is the MTV European Music Awards ”most of the year